Accent On Interpreting

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Deaf History

I was watching "Through Deaf Eyes" last week on PBS and got to thinking - there must be more than just the video.

Oh boy is there!

For a great opportunity to earn more about Deaf History, wander through their website at Gallaudet.

I will probably talk about parts of the exhibit over the next few weeks. Feel free to share anything you want to be sure others see.


Oops forgot to tell you : Idioms!

be out for the count
to be sleeping deeply
Usage notes: When boxers (= men who fight as a sport) are still not conscious after ten seconds have been counted they are described as 'out for the count'.
I was out for the count so I didn't hear any of it going on.

This reminds me of another idiom: out like a light.

in a deep sleep or unconscious Stu was out like a light, so I threw a blanket on him and turned out the light.

Either way I think I would sign it "SLEEP - ROCK". does ROCK with their palm up. I never do, my dominant palm is always down. Especially in this compound sign, the dominant hand completes "SLEEP" then converts to an "S" handshape to complete the movement of "ROCK"


Links Tuesday

So there I was looking for a fun link to share - finding reports about deaf kids in Ghana who can't attend school because of crowding issues and the like...
and I stumble upon Deaf Linx.

yeah - says more than I can once a week all in one place.

So while I expect to keep doing my Links Tuesday, if you are in a hurry- try them. If they don't have it all, they come close.