Accent On Interpreting

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Deaf History

I have been thinking about putting deaf idioms on Tuesday, Deaf Kistory on Thursday and Links on Friday to take advantage of the Follow Friday mentality. But I didn't quite make it happen.

Instead today is History because I found a really cool item in the Library Of Congress.

Alexander Graham Bell's papers are stored digitally. This one is a hand written article, apparently not by Mr. Bell, called "The Gallaudet Controversy."

Definately a must read.


Links Tuesday!

So every so often I have the chance to team with another interpreter.

More often I have interpreters come into my office and ask how to properly team.

Here's your answer: DLR Consulting has posted a terrific article on ways to prepare for, and best expedite a teamed situation.

Give it a read. You just might find something that will make your next team assignment easier.