Accent On Interpreting

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Oops forgot to tell you : Idioms!

be out for the count
to be sleeping deeply
Usage notes: When boxers (= men who fight as a sport) are still not conscious after ten seconds have been counted they are described as 'out for the count'.
I was out for the count so I didn't hear any of it going on.

This reminds me of another idiom: out like a light.

in a deep sleep or unconscious Stu was out like a light, so I threw a blanket on him and turned out the light.

Either way I think I would sign it "SLEEP - ROCK". does ROCK with their palm up. I never do, my dominant palm is always down. Especially in this compound sign, the dominant hand completes "SLEEP" then converts to an "S" handshape to complete the movement of "ROCK"

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